There are many different specializations within the legal profession that result in the numerous different types of law fields that are offered today. Some legal fields are more sought after than others, and some legal fields are growing, resulting in a higher demand for lawyers to pursue these fields specifically.
This week I will be discussing which legal fields are the highest in demand right now according to some research. Then, I will briefly explain the field and what the lawyers in these fields do for their job.
Almost all lawyers follow a similar path before they even get to pick which legal field they want to pursue after law school. Lawyers must obtain a bachelor's degree first, then you could either go to law school straight after, obtain another degree (bachelors, masters, doctorate, etc.), or take some gap years in between. Once you are in law school, you get exposed to the different fields of law. After law school, in order to practice as a lawyer you must pass the bar exam in your state of choice. After passing the bar exam, lawyers can pick which field they want to apply for jobs in.
One of the fields in the legal industry that has the highest demand for lawyers at the moment is intellectual property law. The rise of intellectual property (any creative or artistic property) such as art, music, and technological inventions has created a higher demand for lawyers in this field. With new inventions comes the argument of who came up with the idea first and having an intellectual property lawyer can help protect your invention and ideas.
Another field in law that has recently seen a great spike in demand for lawyers is corporate transactions. In general, this field has much to do with the transactions of businesses, and usually lawyers with more experience are preferred for this field. Lawyers in this field oversee when businesses are sold and (or) bought and make sure that the process flows seamlessly.
Lastly, the legal field of immigration/naturalization has been growing for a while. This field is always changing since immigration policies are constantly changing. There is a great need for lawyers in this field, and it can also be one of the most rewarding fields in the industry since lawyers can deal directly with families rather than entire corporations, such as the other fields mentioned previously.
Some other fields that are high in demand right now also include: commercial law, litigation, family law, real estate law, law involving labor and employment, and contract management law.
Therefore, there are plenty of legal fields that have a high demand for lawyers. The legal field is very broad and finding a specialty that not only is growing but interests future lawyers is something that should be considered by future lawyers when making a decision.
By Elidia Magaña