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TikTok Marketing: How Businesses Can Use the App to Promote Their Services

Midway Tutors

With over a billion active monthly users worldwide and 130 million of those being from the US alone, TikTok has become a social and cultural hub of intertwining information, entertainment, and media. For people who haven’t downloaded the app it might seem like TikTok is just for silly dancing videos and intelligible Gen Z humor - and that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Now I’m not saying those types of videos don’t exist on the app, they very much do, but they merely scratch the surface of the many ways TikTok can be used. There is a plethora of informational videos and brand marketing by both small and big businesses as well as individuals with specific interests or qualifications on a subject that might grace your For You Page.

This post will be centered around brand marketing as Midway Advisory is celebrating our first week of having a TikTok! @MidwayAdvisory on TikTok our interns have been making several videos promoting our services, a mix of funny, informational, and promotional to draw followers in. With that being said, let's get into how brands and companies can market themselves on TikTok.

As previously mentioned, it’s good to produce a variety of videos on your page. You don’t want too many strictly promotional videos (entirely “Check out our website” and “Click the link in our bio”) because it’s not as interesting to people as other videos. A few here and there are perfectly fine and a good addition to your page in moderation but if it’s most or all of your content then that warrants scrolling away. Remember: the goal is to get people to interact in some way, i.e. liking, commenting, sharing, or saving. So if your content isn’t interesting you might see less interaction.

Luckily there are other kinds of videos you can make. If you want just a short, funny video to catch people's attention then you should consider participating in a TikTok trend but doing it in the context of your brand. TikTok trends are like wildfire, they spread rapidly and disappear just as quick so be sure to jump on them ASAP. For example, there is the buffering trend where you pretend to buffer after learning shocking new information or when asked a question that you don’t want to answer. This trend is so vague and open ended you can make it about anything!

You can also make informational videos about your company or business that detail what you do for a specific process that you use. For us, that looks like giving college advice and then saying something along the lines of “to learn more, click the link in our bio!”. The goal here is to get people interested enough for them to check out your whole page and maybe your website and other social media.

Other than that, it is important to know which audience you are pandering to. For us that’s an easy one as our clients are high school seniors and their families - and almost every high schooler on the planet is on that app. The trick is to make content that THEY want to see. It’s also important to use relative tags on your post so people searching for specific content will come across your page and to post regularly to appease the TikTok algorithm Gods (no, seriously, the TikTok algorithm is a sentient beast that is fickle in her ways and can either curse you or grant your wildest dream). By posting regularly, the TikTok algorithm will begin to favor you and your page will grow so it's VERY important.

So those are the ways you can use TikTok in a professional sense to market your company or business services and to garner traction on your account. While the app may have a reputation for being silly and trivial, the facts are that it is a wide variety of content that almost everything has a place in, including business.

By Sallie

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