Our mission is to create the absolute best learning experience for elementary and high school students. We understand that each student is unique, and learns differently. That is why our programs emphasize flexibility and utilizes holistic methods of peer-to-peer tutoring. Our tutors are all rigorously selected university and graduate school students that have a passion for teaching and sharing their academic ambitions.
Every one of our tutors undergo a two step screening process that evaluates their academic credentials, teaching experience, and tutoring capabilities. We recognize that every student is different, and every tutor is different as well. We strive to pair tutors and students together by academic need and personal compatibility.


ACT, SAT, AP, SAT Subjects
ACT, SAT, AP, SAT Subjects

Algebra-Calculus BC, Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Algebra-Calculus BC, Biology, Chemistry, Physics

English, History, Writing Services, Foreign Languages
English, History, Writing Services, Foreign Languages
Because of our low operating cost and direct to consumer approach model, we are able to offer quality services that far exceed that of other tutoring companies within the same price range. However, all of our tutors have different levels of teaching experience and teach vastly different subjects. Pricing is determined in a case by case scenario.
You can generally expect each 1 hour session to be around $25-$50. Discounts are available when purchasing lessons in bulk.
The first 30 minutes with any new tutor is always free should you choose to find a new tutor. This is our commitment and guarantee of an exceptional experience.
Alex Feitler
Alex Feitler is a current student at the University of Chicago studying Economics and History. On campus, Alex has been a tour guide, research assistant and mentor for the MoneyThink organization. He began tutoring in high school with TutoringChicago and has continued to seek opportunities to help students younger than him across all subjects ever since.
“I have always enjoyed learning and am so grateful to older students who have helped me over the years. The opportunity to get involved with Midway Tutors has allowed me the opportunity to facilitate these invaluable relationships between students.” - Alex

David Tong
David is a University of Chicago and a Northwestern Kellogg MBA Graduate. He was a college varsity swimmer and studied public policy with a specialization in finance. David is a management consultant at BCG and his goal is to create a strong impact in the community around him. David loves the outdoors and enjoys traveling in his free time.

Nathan Decety
Nathan is a University of Chicago and Laboratory Schools graduate. He studied history, statistics, and finance and has published academic research on ancient Sparta. He is a finance officer in the army and an economic business strategy consultant at Accenture.

The first session with any new tutor is always free. Please feel free to email or text.
Email: DTong@Uchicago.edu
Call or Text: +1 (312) 330 3773
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Chicago, IL, USA